PLY Away 2023 Silent Auction, Door Prizes, and Goodie Bags
PLY Away 2023
We’d love for you to be a part of the event which is in the middle part of April, smack dab in the middle of the USA (, where spinners from all over the globe will gather to learn, share, enjoy, and spin!
We would love it if you’d be so kind as to donate something to our Silent Auction (goes to the scholarship fund for next year), as a Door Prize (for extra fun), or as a Goodie Bag item (again, extra fun!).
Silent Auction
Our Silent Auction went smashingly, and we’d like to build our scholarship fund even more so we can continue to bring talented spinners that couldn’t otherwise attend PLY Away. We hope to bring 2 at a time, even 3! ALL the proceeds from the silent auction go to the scholarship fund. The silent auction items and signage will be set up in public for several days (secured at night), and towards the end of the event, we’ll see who won. A range of items would be ideal, some small and some large, so people of several budgets can participate. If you’re attending PLY Away, you can bring your auction item with you (as long as it arrives by Wednesday) or you can ship it by to us by March 1st, 2023. Either way, please email us a description by February 1st so we can print up the cards and thank you properly in the program.
Door Prizes
Door Prizes are always a huge hit at fiber events, and we’d love to give away your stuff! If you’d like us to give away your stuff to PLY Away attendees at one of our nightly spin ins and/or banquet, please send it by February 1st. Please include details about your item so we can make sure and holler them out to the crowd! We’ll also include a list of door prize donators in our PLY Away 2023 program.
Goodie Bags
Everybody loves a great goodie bag and spinners are no exception. Last year, PLY Away’s goodie bag was top notch, and we hope to make it that way again! This year, all attendees will get one, and we’ll include a list of goodie bag donators in our PLY Away 2023 program. Please send between 200-300 items that are marked with your business so people know who it’s coming from, by March 1st.